Thursday, June 28, 2007

What a Trip!

We had such a wonderful trip to Vancouver! Angelina got to see all kinds of neat things and people. She also got to eat like royalty, as did we all: super fresh salmon and prawns, steak, and delicious authentic indian food. Matt and I also had lots of sushi, and man, is it ever good over there.
We had one really weird Griswold-type day, including a small car accident and stepping in swamp water, but even that day was really fun. In fact, it might be my favourite.

It was also really cool to see everybody. Most of our friends live in Van now so we got together with a different couple almost every day. It's so great to see what everybody's doing.

The best part, by far, was spending 24 hours a day together for 10 solid days. Angelina became even more of a little daddy's girl. On the last day, Matt went out to the car for a minute and Angelina was clawing at the door, crying and calling "dadaaaaaaa!" It was a hard adjustment for both of them when Matt had to go back to work.
Here are some pictures of the Aquarium, Angelina's favourite place.

A trippy aquarium playhouse for babies

Watching the dolphins

My little merbaby

Baby Beluga!


Monday, June 25, 2007

Too Much Fun for One Post...

... so here is the zoo, suspension bridge and Lonsdale Quay market.

Wow, look at this thing!

Can we take him home?

The best critters of all

Treehouse buddies

What a handsome view!

Friday, June 08, 2007

My Smartypants

It's incredible how quickly Angelina is growing up. Suddenly she can say a lot of words (mama, daddy, ball, dog, baby, and more)and she understands most of what we say to her. All we have to do is show her a new skill or word a few times and she's got it down.

She even figured out all on her own how to say her name; she calls herself Nana. She says "Nana" when she's pointing to a picture of herself or something she wants, as in "give that to Nana". What a clever girl!

We're leaving tomorrow for Vancouver and scambling to get everything ready. We haven't even called anybody who lives there... but don't worry, we're there for 9 full days so there will be time to get together. We'll call ASAP! We can't wait to see everybody and to show Angelina some really cool stuff. Matt is especially looking forward to 10 whole days with his little princess... that's Angelina, not me.