Tuesday, February 24, 2009


But oh.... we are going to miss you guys!!!!! It sucks that we weren't able to get together to see you before you leave.... I was looking forward to it. But with me gettin gback to work and having no control over which days I do my ride alongs and then with Bryce and his big day on Friday it just wasn't able to work this week.... I had been talking with Sammi prior to that, but nothing seemed to work out.

Well I hope you have a great trip and get all settled in quickly. You must be so excited!
So happy for you guys.

You will have to stay in touch on here and facebook....and send lots of pictures :)

well, I guess until next time......take care.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Home Movie

I don't think that I posted this link before. It's a slideshow of our new house. Four more days in BC!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Greetings from Someone Else's House!

Just about the day we got here, we got very sick (there are up to three daycare kids here at any given time) and since Roman really can't sleep here and is up all night, me and him stayed that way.

We've had to forgo our groups and visits with friends and find other stuff to do, so as not to spread the flu. The kids have really taken to mall walking. Roman loves to walk around in his squeaker shoes and wave at everybody, and they come up and talk to him. It's his own personal heaven; he's such an active and outgoing little guy.

Angelina is getting sweeter and funnier by the day, and of course smarter too. She draws people all the time, including clothes, hairstyles and eyes with irises and pupils. She can read bigger-kid books now and is starting to write! She will write "to daddy" on her pictures. The "to" is crystal clear, but I might be the only one who can read her "daddy".

We're mostly better now, and looking forward to seeing our friends for the last time before the big move... in 10 days!