Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's been so long


Wow it has been so long since I've posted a message here and it looks like it has been awhile for everyone. Key where are all our Ontario lifestyle updates?!?! hahaha

I've been busy lately looking for a new job as I got laid off from PCL at the beginning of April after being with them for over 5 years!! The job search hasn't been going the greatest but I am working on a few leads right now so cross your fingers for me. Besides looking for work I've been busy training our new puppy Bam-Bam he is a mini-daschund smooth-haird and is 6 months old and 12 pounds. Lee and I love him so much and couldn't image life without him.'s Ontario?? How's the weather been? How are Angelina & Roman adjusting? How's Matt liking the new job? Are you going back to work any time soon?
How's everyone else doing?? Anything new & exciting to share??