Tuesday, June 08, 2010


I don't know if I've mentioned that Roman can read now. Words, and if he's in an obliging mood, sentences, but letters are still his true love. He makes letters out of all his toys and food, talks about letters all day long, and even wakes in the night asking for letters. Matt pointed out that he's like the guy from DaVinci's code. That guy certainly had an exciting life revolving around letters.

What I didn't know is that Roman can write. He always colours with crayons and brings me these colourful scribbly papers. This morning Angelina pointed out to me that he wrote a word, and I snatched the paper away before he could scribble over it. I think he may have been doing that for some time; writing letters and words, scribbling over them, and then handing the paper to me.

Here are a couple of his creations this morning: he wrote the word "cow" with crayons and "no" with Tinker Toys.

Sunday, June 06, 2010