Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hey Keira & Matt....

Hey kids...just seeing how you are....havn't heard from you in awhile......still no real update on my mom.....she is still in the hospital, they are hoping that the barium is flushed thru her system by the end of this week and then she will be sent to vernon for a catscan, and back to salmon arm for an operation where they will remove 6 inches of her colon and fuse the two sides then she'll still be in the hospital for 6-10 more days after dad said thta they got her biopsy results back but couldn't determine anything cause of the barium covering it or ya....thats bout all i know...still waiting...urrrggg....i hate waiting.......other than that, i was sick all weekend stomache was ur quick trip to van? rob's Great Grandma passed away this past weekend so he is off to Abbottsford today for a quick trip....he'll be back tomorrow nightish...aww....poor guy.......WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING FOR CANADA DAY???

well get back to me, and i'll chat with you soon.....did u figure out how to copy those cd's??? if not let me know and i'll show ya! cant wait to see the pics......i should come visit sometime soon...let me know when ur free.,...ttyl

Love Ya

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Event planning buisness???

are you thinking of doing that??? (you would take my dream job!!! :) I still really really want to take my event/wedding planning course. Hmmmm can't think of any names right now though.
How about ~ Okanagan Occasions,..nah!!! or hmmm... ya I don't know.... Keira's ...something or other.. sorry not much help.

I would really like a photo CD as well. That would be awesome if you could make me a copy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Do my Homework for me

If I had an event-planning business, what would it be called?


Erin, thank God the doctor doesn't think it's cancer. I was under the impression that he thought it was. Keep us updated, we're hoping and praying for your mom.

Definately I'll burn some copies of the picture CD. I haven't ever done it before but it should be easy. I'll burn one for Erin and Sam; whoever else wants one just let me know.

We'll be in Vancouver this weekend just for friday night (at Sam's) and come back Saturday night. Matt and all his Magic friends are in a big tournament. Wish him luck!

Yesterday I went to Kamloops and bought my bridesmaid dress for Kirten's wedding. It's really cute.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

pictures...and update on my mom

hey keira....any way u can burn me a copy of ur cd from the photographer? or even just send me the pics...probs easier to burn the cd then i'll just print off the ones that i want.....well let me to you soon! Oh....update on my mom....she is in the salmon arm hospital had a minor surgury done on saturday......couldn't do the whole thing cause she has barium stuck inside her and they need that to come they are waitin....she is in a LOT of pain, so they are keepign her there.....and once the barium comes out she can continue with the colonoscopy part probably next week sometime and she'll bein there for another 6-10 days.....:-( so we just hope for the best...the doc said he DOESN"T think that anything is cancerous but they still have to determine things for i'll keep u updated.......
Love Ya

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Pictures Pictures Everywhere, Nor Any Pic to Peek

We finally got the wedding pictures from the photographer! That means everyone can see them tonight and the next time they're here, there will be nice big framed ones.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Check the other blog


Wow, Bryce was pretty sunburnt!!!
Great pics though!!!

um... wondering... you said you wanted to do a games night this week?? are you still up for it?? Sat? Well let us know on our blog....cause there are people looking for something to do this weekend. If we do it on Sat. I will be able to come, and I'll put all of the photo's I have of the wedding ect. on a CD and bring it over.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Ang and Bryce Posted by Hello

Aww Jess and Jonas Posted by Hello

Robyn and Erin Posted by Hello

Keough Trio Posted by Hello

Bridesmaids Posted by Hello

Groomsmen Posted by Hello

Friday, June 10, 2005


If anyone has wedding/shower/party/giftopening pictures, would you please send them to us?


The only thing we've got planned for this week is to see Madagascar (anyone seen it?)and next weekend we'll do a games night if people are interested. We have that poker set now and we might buy Cranium. Anyway we're always open to dinner or whatev. Also soon there will be lots of pictures to see at our place.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

On Being Useful

Do any of you visit the Greenpeace website? I am a "cyber activist" for greenpeace, which means that they send emails detailing a crisis in the world and instructions for what I can do to help. Often they give you a protest email that you add your name to and add your own words if you want, then simply hit "send".

Greenpeace always keeps you updated, so that you can see how your small effort has contributed and made a difference. The website also has some really great information and neat interactive parts.

Anyway if you're not doing anything to make the world a better place, Greenpeace cyberactivism is a great, easy starting point.

  • Greenpeace Canada home page
  • Camping

    We'll have to pass on camping cause we're just not caught up enough to go away for that much time. I hadn't thought of just visiting; I'll ask Matt when he gets home. Will your cellphone be working? Anyway we'll be in on the next trip fo sheeze.

    Thank you for the beautiful quilt wall hanging! There are so much detail and layers, it must have taken you a long time. It's awesome.

    Monday, June 06, 2005

    Making a date....

    so glad to hear you guy's had an awesome time!!! You'll have to bring your pictures over one night. Sooo... I am making a date... are you two coming camping this weekend?? If not, do you think you will be able to come out and visit for a day or night??? well let us know... all the info is on the blog. Hope to see you soon.. There is a map and directions on there too.

    We're Back

    We're back and it was a fabulous honeymoon. We ate fantastic food, experienced a much richer culture, and explored entire cities made up of 400 year-old buildings. I learned more history on that trip than in the rest of my life put together. History is spectacularly interesting when you're actually standing in the battlefield, castle or even city where it took place. We also saw some of the most beatutiful Basillicas in the world, ancient relics, and famous art.

    I don't know if anyone will still read this blog but I intend to keep using it. I have alot to say now that my entire existence doesn't revolve around the wedding. Hence the new background. I'll beef this sucker up later.

    Matt and I are backlogged with the last 3 weeks' worth of work, but we are really looking forward to seeing everyone again, so call us and let's make a date.