Wednesday, June 28, 2006

hello all

Well I thought maybe I would enlighten you with my life here at the coast.
A few weeks ago Drew and I went camping at the Sunshine Coast and stayed in Gibsons. It was absilutely beautiful. Drew and I have been hard at work. I am loving my nursing job and have decided to take on more hours with a private company too. I"ll be working one 24 hour shift from Sunday night to monday night. I"ll be making a lot of money with that job.. almost 5 dollars more an hour then what I make with CLS.
Drew has been liking his job with Starbucks. he's moving up the chain pretty quickly.. and may have a different position at a new starbucks coming close to our home.
We are adopting 2 bearded dragons from a nurse that I work with that has signed a contract to work in Bermuda for the next 3 years. She will be leaving at the end of July.
We have been grooving around the city to free jazz festival shows. its been a lot of fun. I can't wait for this weekend there will be free concerts at Granville island the whole weekend.
OUr landlord has asked us if we wanted to buy the condo that we live in for cheap and we are thinking about it. She is asking for 150ish K and the other condos in this place are selling for about 300K... but also those condos are fixed up and very nice. MIne isn't so nice nore fixed up. So yeah we would have to fix it up and then do a property flip.. we want to move to a 2 bedroom where we can have a dog.
but yes thats all the news about us.
um... someone eles post.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Kaidyn gets her ears pierced!

Cutie-pie at three months and one week just about after getting her ears pierced and hangin out in the backyard. She can't wait to show her best friend Gina them!!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


So I guess you guy's have decided to go ahead with Alberta then hey?? I take it Matt is 'really' looking for a good job there now then.... we still don't know where we are going to end up... Bryce is still going to apply to Uof A in Edmonton, but also UBC Van. and SFU... I guess we won't know until the last min...around the same time as the wedding where we will be moving... maybe we'll see you up there in the blizzard! :) Do you guy's need any help packing or moving?? if you do...Make sure you give us a call... we have all the guy's here..and I can help with the light stuff or packing (i'm still off on WCB)...

Well talk to you soon. Let's get together again soon....

Friday, June 16, 2006


...I just saw how small those pics turned out. When we get our own computer internet running again I will re-post them in regular size.

Hi Everyone!

I'm posting this from Matt's work, as Melissa already explained we have no email for now. Anyway here are some cute Gina pics! Also for those of you who live out of town you should totally come visit this summer becuase we are moving into the perfect place for visitors. I'll explain later; the baby's fussing and we have to go! I'll try to get back here next week and post again.



it has been SO long for me. I'm SO sorry about that gals and guys. I have been SO busy with so much stuff lately. I have a full time job, I am supposed to be working full time as a psychology researcher in Kelowna (but it turns out I don't have all the time in the world to research full time there LOL), and two summer classes. Turns out, when you're an honours graduate, you have to take MORE classes that I didn't know about. And so now I have to cram so many in in my last year, so I'm trying to get a head start on those. BAH!!

Those babies are SOOO adorable. Their facial features are starting to look SO much alike now! I love the pic with Keira and Angelina with Matt and Kaidyn! That one is so adorable! I also LOVE how happy Keira looks! I still haven't met that baby yet Keira!!! Could someone please tell her to phone me so we can get together soon? I have her number in my cell phone, but that phone is pretty much on the fritz.

:) See ya'll later!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cute Babies

Both girls are getting bigger. It looks like Kaiyln is starting to smile when she thinks something is funny. The one picture looks like she is smiling at Dad or Mom. Angelina is much bigger and is getting her own look. I can't wait to see her again.

- Sammi

Silver Star

Yup so they're movin up to Silver Star July 1st, lucky ducks, into a spiffy little condo. They'll only be there for about 3 months, and then it's off to Calgary or Edmonton they plan. Matt and I are thinkin about fallowing them there. It'll be super nice for us stay-at-home mommies having something to do with our days. So July 1st, Keira will be back bloggin away, but until then, they're super busy with packing and lots of activities here and there.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


HOLY she has grown since we saw her!!! It's cool cause you can start to see her facial features more and she doesn't look like a new born baby any more..

So where are they moving to up silverstar??? Isn't that going to be really expensive in the winter, or are they just staying a short time??
Landlords suck!!!!

Angelina at 5 weeks, Kaidyn at 13

Here's some more recent pics of the two cuties taken yesterday!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

an update for keira

just writing to say that keira is really sorry that she hasn't been blogging or responding to any emails because her landlord is a complete DICK!!!! once they told him that they wanted to move out he cut off their internet! so she doesn't hate anyone and she's not being a bitch or anything hahahaha. so they're finally getting out of their place at the end of this month and moving up to silverstar! how much fun! angelina is doing well, she's starting to sleep more through the night and eating a lot! i posted some pics of angelina and kaidyn, i can't remember when they were taken, just a couple weeks ago i believe. so if you want to talk to keira, your ganna have to call her. adios.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Something to look forward too.....

Hi everyone! Wow, blog world has sure calmed down lately.....where is everyone? Not that I should talk I'm probably one of the worse offenders.
Thanks for posting pictures - keeps me in the loops of our little wonders.....speaking of being in the loop.....Tanya and I are coming to Vernon this upcoming weekend.....June 16-18. So I would LOVE if Matt, Keira, Angelina, Melissa, Matt and Kaidyn could find time in their schedules to visit (I'm staing at Aunt Colleens).
Other than this news...nothing new with is insane, Nick and I broke up,summer is finally here - I am busy as per usual....cause really when is my social life anything but crazy!!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Cutie Pics..

Exactly.... where is everyone???

Here are some cutie pie pictures that we took a couple of weeks ago...

Friday, June 02, 2006

where is everyone???

Hello.......POST PEOPLE POST! hehehehe