Friday, October 27, 2006
where to start!?
So yeah its a well paying job and lets me have the afternoons off for classes. I start at 7am and go to 3 mon to fri.. I think this will be the first job that I have been able to have weekends off.
Also we have bought some new funiture! pretty sweet shit too. (for us) its retro 1950s.. but very funky and cool. the back of the couch pulls down to make a double bed.. its the weirdest thing I have ever seen. We also are buying a very old wraught iron bed frame... it even has lichen on it. (it has a clear coat over so I wont have weird shit falling on me while I sleep). but yeah... Ooooh and a full sized portable dishwasher... if you know anyone that wants to buy a countertop dishwasher in Vancouver let me know.. it comes with a sweet stand.. I have pics if you e-mail me. ( I know there are a couple of Keiras Friends or relitives that read this from Van.. so just throwing it out there.)
sor some reason blogspot wont let me delete anything here or spell check... so sorry everyone for my horrible spelling mistakes.. Oh and also Drew has gotten a new part time job working on the set of "Men in Trees" he hasn't started yet. but its pretty exciting!
but yeah.. so thats all the new stuff going on in my neck of the woods.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Yummy Yummy
I dont' know what it looks like in town, but this place is covered in snow. Good thing we are moving tomorrow!
I could not find a costume or even a hat for Hailey. Has she got one yet? The only thing I could suggest is little headband/wing/tail sets at Shoppers or Claire's.
Needles are my phobia too. That was one small part of the horrors of labour. The nurse fucked up my IV so many times that even she flipped out and had to leave the room. There was also a bloodtest, a freezing needle and a needle in my spine. That's a lot of needles all in a short time. Then more bloodtests the next day in the ER. Anyway I got kinda used to them so now I only slightly hyperventillate when I have to get one! What I'm trying to say is: to get over your fear of needles, have a baby. Just kidding.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Costumes and needles
I am in class right now, but we're watching a disgusting movie about making "perfect babies" but there are SO many needles shown in it! If anyone doesn't know, that is my almost phobia... of gross needles... ugh, whether they are long or short, I still hate them LOL.
So here I am writing to you guys on my new shiny laptop :)
What are you dressing Gina up as? Are you guys doing trick-or-treating? It's a REALLY good way to show her off! Oooh and of course get yourself a couple pillow cases full of candy! I was thinking about using Hailey for this ;) Did you find any small enough costumes for Hailey at Toadstool, Keira? Thanks so much for looking.
Hailey is over 7 lbs now :D YAY! Hehe... she is still so little. She turns 3 months old tomorrow!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Chit Chat
I did find Angelina a baby Halloween costume and it is so fucking cute! If anyone else is looking they should go to Second Street in Vernon, where there are lots of cute warm furry costumes for $13! They're too big for Hailey unfortunately. M and I are going to Kelowna tomorrow and I'll see if Toadstool has any hats with ears 'cause that might be all she can fit. Does Hailey have a tiny head?
Angelina weighs 15 pounds now and has two teeth. We bought her a highchair so she can eat dinner with us at the table now! She is such a sweet little munchkin!
Wohoo Sam, my future cousin-in-law looks good! Am I right that Sienna looks just like her mama?
Kirsten you will not believe how many needles you have to get when you are pregnant. These blood ones will just meld in with all the other shots!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Vancouver weather is back!!
This is a picture of me and Sienna on our first visit together!!
Here's a picture of Lee and I at my friends wedding this past weekend.
Hey everyone I think I've set a record of the amount of blogs I've posted lately - I go missing for weeks on weeks and the wham I'm back! haha!
Well things are still going well - Key I got your email I will respond and call you soon...
Everyone else glad to hear things are going well....keep on posting.
Live life to the fullest!!
P.S. I want the rain to go away
We had thinksgiving at our place this year and Greg and his girlfriend and my aunt shar from Manitoba and also my parents and a couple of friends also made it! It was a little nerve wracking having to cook for so many people.
I;m also going to school to upgrade a couple of courses. I"m doing my LPN course in 2007 and very excited. Drew has 2 years left in school. When we are finnished then we want to buy in Kamloops. there are some pretty nice homes in Kamloops that are 40 grand cheaper then my friggen 700 foot apt.
I bought hockey tickets for Drew and I for tonights canucks game. We got a sweet ass deal on them!
Ang if you ever come into town and need a place to stay you can let me know and I"ll pull out the extra bed. Same goes for you Sammi...
but yeah.. shits been good for us lately. and I'm pretty happy. but pretty lonely as well.
Keira I really miss you and we should start talking like we used to.
Keira you may be happy to know that I have been doing blood tests to see how a baby will do with mine and Drews blood types. And we have had the go ahead to start if ew would like! Though I will will need to get shots every couple of months for my weirdo blood type. We arent' having kids quite yet.. but likely in the next year.. 2 years may be pushing it.
but yes... I have no baby news as... well.... I don't know anyone with babies.. and I have never met baby Gina. Ohh. well I have a little news.. I am a god mother to 2 kids now.. Gabrielle was born a few months ago. and then ofcourse Heidi still.
but yeah. Ang keep me updated on any wedding progress.. and Keira send me an e-mail.. I would like to know what is going on in your life.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Gotta take care of my new teeth!
Nope, haven't found a costume, and I have been to the Winners here. I remember a few years back I saw them everywhere and couldn't wait to have a baby so I could dress her up in one.
Rob, when we move into town it will be easy to get together. Easier, anyway. Hailey is so freaking cute in that picture BTW.
Angelina can't crawl yet but she can sit up by herself very well.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Keira, I know your frustration, I went looking for a Halloween Costume to LITTLE baby Hailey and there are none. I looked almost everywhere I could think of. They only have toddler ones. I don't know why this is. I thought I saw baby ones before somewhere another year. Did you have any luck yet? If you did, please let me know. Are you guys going to be able to go trick-or-treating?
Those pics of Gina are SOO cute :) It sucks that she is screaming lots now. Do you think that is going to stop now?
Here is the newest picture of Hailey from Thanksgiving:
Isn't she SO adorable?!
Keira, I would still love to get together with you guys sometime soon and see Gina and you once again. Just tell me what is good for you and when. I understand that you can't take Gina out that much.
:) Robyn
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Awe Babies are sooo damn cute!!!
Hey everyone.....Key, Gina is sooo darn cute......two teeth WOW! is she attempting to crawl yet??? what a little munchkin.....everytime i go into a store i always check the halloween costumes out and ya the smallest are usually toddler...however i did at some point see a cute little bunnie outfit in winners in the baby section so they may have something there..... Samantha.....details details......its always sooo exciting to hear about NEW/OLD boys!!! hehehehe
Here are some pics from Thanksgiving at Aunty Colleens house!!! Enjoy!!!
Look What I can Do!
Angelina has 2 teeth now and also has learned a new way to communicate. When she wants my attention she lets out a single ear-piercing scream. It works well, clever girl.
Oooh can't wait to hear about the boyfriend Sam! I am so happy for you!
Does anyone know where I can get a baby Halloween costume? The smallest I can find so far is toddler size.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Happy Turkey Day!!
Hello everyone - hope you've all had your share of turkey, smashed potatoes and pumpkin pie this weekend!! Gobble Gobble!
My weekend was great, my mom is in town from Medicine Hat, AB so I got to spend a nice weekend with her and my grandparents...and to top it all off my boyfriend met my mom and grandparents last nigth when he came over for dessert and a drink. It went soo well!! :)
On the topic of boyfriend I have to indulge as Key asked me to.....I'm dating Lee again, this is time #3 and it'd going great!! Seriously I don't have the words to describe the way I feel, we feel or anything. We went away a couple weekend ago to Whistler and it was the best weekend full of surprises, laughter, fun and love. Uggh Key I have to call you with more details...but I don't think I have your number - email it to me.
Great baby pictures everyone - so cute! I love them! I swear I check the blog just to see the updated pictures! LOL. The picture included here is my new niece, Sienna, she's my best friend Leah's daughter who was born on August 28th. I get to meet her for the first time tonight - soo excited!
Hope everyone is doing well! My love to everyone now and always.
Friday, October 06, 2006
No Title
Angelina does mind when I take those pictures, that's why so many of them are taken when she's asleep! I haven't got Angelina's Halloween costume yet but rest assured it will be something cute and furry.
Comparison Photos II
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Too bad you couldn't come to my birthday festivities Keira. My sister and Adryan were really looking forward to meeting Angelina and and having Angelina meet Hailey! Oh well, it was a lot of fun. Maybe another time we will all be able to get together or something.
I have been SO swamped with school work lately. It is midterm time this week and then first essays in the next couple of weeks. It's tough having 7 classes (2 distance because of my sister's life-threatening pregnancy that I got extensions on). September REALLY did fly by. The entire summer actually. It is insane!
What are you guys all doing for Thanksgiving? Wow, you seem to have a really packed weekend Keira. I have no idea what we are doing yet. It is our Thanksgiving with Greg's family, but they are going away for the long weekend, so now we only have plans to go to Brett and Sheena's (our friends) house in Falkland for dinner. I will have to see what my parents are doing.
PS. Keira, where is your dad moving to? I haven't heard this news.
This is one of the pictures of Hailey from my birthday. Isn't she precious? She weighs 6 lbs 3 oz there. There are less fuzzy pictures on my camera but I haven't uploaded them onto my computer yet. But when I do, I will post them.
I LOVE the pics of Angelina in the laundry basket, they were adorable!! Does she mind when you move her around and pose her in those positions?
Re: Gobble Gobble Goble
Gobble Gobble Gobble....
MATT AND MELISSA GETTING MARRIED??? wow....thats news to me.....fill me in dammit!!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
It all comes out in the wash
We were looking at buying a place. The problem is that we still plan to leave in a year (or at least we're keeping the option open). So in order to be worth it, the property value of whatever we bought would have to go up enough to pay all the real estate fees plus make up for the mortgage payments. We built a big spreadsheet and calculated that we'd get farther ahead renting for one more year and be able to save a good downpayment for the next place. Plus, relocating would be a pain in the ass if we had to sell a house. Anyway, we're renting a house in town starting at the end of this month.
It took me three days to write this blog. Angelina is so mad she screams all day and won't even sleep. Poor baby. I am so excited for when she gets a little older.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Yes, I am back to work and in the swing of things again... I started back Aug.1 and am working out of the Armstrong station now. I love it here so much more! Too many problems with co workers in enderby. The back is better-my energy healer guru guy fixed me!
Wow! Where the hell did September go, and Aug and the rest of the year!!! Does anyone else feel the same way?? I guess you said the same thing when you were planning your wedding too hey Keira? but this year has gone fast! Do you guy's know when or if you are moving down the hill before ski season??? where are you thinking of going? Armstrong still? are you still looking at buying or just renting(pissing your money away like the rest of us! :) ?
What is Angelina being for halloween??