Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Holidays

Good to see you back on, Sam. Is that Lee's mom's house? It's nice. You guys are so cute. We had a great Christmas too, with lots of activity and visits as usual. Now we've all got a bad cold-will the sickness never end?!- but that's okay, hopefully we'll be healthy again by this weekend.

Roman is growing at an amazing rate. He is such a big guy, but very lean. On Wednesday he will be one month old; I can't believe it. What a fast month, with all the things that have happened and all the activity of having two kids. He is looking around, doing little pushups and making adorable little gooing and sighing noises. He is a very happy little guy.

Angelina is so smart it is stupefying. She has the vocabulary of a much older kid and is even talking in sentences, like "mama daddy eat taco" or "mama help open box". She can play more and more fun games too. Now when I sing "old Macdonald" I let her fill in the blanks of the animals and their noises, and she also fills in other things too. Like "old Macdonald had a chair, with a sit sit here and a sit sit there". What a riot.

Here are a couple of pictures of Gina wearing clothes that Roman got for Christmas.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm baaack!!

Yay I'm finally back to the blog!! For some reason I lost complete access, but I'm back!

Hope everyone's Christmas went well....Lee and I had a wonderful time, I am on holidays until January 2nd but Lee went back today....I'm enjoying my time off but am surprised how fast I am getting bored hahaha! Anyways here is some recent pics of us and our lifes....(most pics on facebook for those who have it)
Us...being us...

More Xmas

Guess who is the center of attention!
My little princess
Sitting pretty
So dashing in his little Mexx outfit
What a sweet little pair

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Holidays

Thanks everybody for your greetings and wishes. We're doing great, how about all of you? We had our first Christmas (one of four) on the weekend and Matt's birthday is this week. So we're busy as ever plus twice as busy at home. Not too busy for visits and stuff though.

Oh yeah, the birth was fantastic. I forget about it because of all the stuff since. But I did great and it was a good experience.

Angelina loves Roman. She rocks him in his chair and gives him toys and blankets and talks about him. She was an angel when we were away having him and has been an amazing big sister since. Matt was also amazing with Angelina on his own, and Roman is a wonderful, happy little guy. I have the greatest family ever.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Finally Some Pictures

Thanks for asking, Robyn. They thought Roman had in his blood the bacteria that causes Meningitis, which is deadly. They did a whole bunch of tests and kept him on IV antibiotics for a few days while waiting for the results, just in case he had it. He also had lots of other stickers and monitors and routines. As it turns out, he never had the infection or any other problem. I am sorry that he had such a rotten start to his life, but so happy that he is healthy and home where he belongs.

So we were all separated for one week and then together for one. Today Matt is back to work and it's my first day alone with both babies. So far so good, but I'm a little nervous about going anywhere. We'll start with a short trip into town today.

Little Boy Blue

Big sister

Roman is a big boy, but there is no fat on him! He's really tall and thin, like his daddy.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Hello all!

I know it has been a while, but I'm here now and that's what matters, right? CONGRATS on the new baby Matt and Keira! Welcome to the world Roman!! I can't wait to meet him you guys! Is there a shower? Or did I miss it somewhere?

Oh no, how come he's in an incubator? I know you say he's healthy and everything, but what happened?

PS. Happy xmas shopping!! :)


Sunday, December 09, 2007

Congrats Garcia Family

Congratulations on your new addition to the family. He sure is adorable. Hope all is going well and you are cherishing every moment. Hope to see u all soon

Good to hear all is GREAT!

Hey there, great to hear you guys are home and doing great.....cant wait to see more pics of the little one!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Welcome Home Again

Roman and I have been staying in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit this week. We are home now and looking forward to starting over! I don't have new pictures because I didn't want any pictures of my baby in a plastic tub with tubes all over the place. He is just fine though; big and healthy. Angelina has the flu and hopefully will recover quickly and not pass it along. My poor babies! I am so happy we're all back together again.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Awwhh, Congrats you three!!! So did everything go smooth??? What better present could you get just before christmas!!! Angelina must be extatic! A new baby to play with... I guess it might take her a little while to realize he's here to stay though hey? Sammi mentioned monday... I work at 5pm in Armstrong, but would love to tag along if she ends up going out there... havn't seen you in a while... let us know if you need time to settle in though...we can always re schedule.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Congrats to you both, he's absolutly adorable!!!


Roman Matthew Garcia, the most handsome, wonderful little boy in the world. Born Sunday, December 2, 10:15 pm.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another Date

Angelina and Tyler working together
Honey, I'm home!
What a gentleman!
One day maybe these two will get married......think how fricking cute their babies would be!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Team Updates

A weird thing happened today. I stopped for gas and when I went in to pay, they guy behind the counter liked Angelina very much. He asked her, "what is your name? Is it Keira?" I said, "My name is Keira, how did you know that?" and he said, nonchalantly, "It was just a random guess". What?! Who randomly guesses a person's name? Maybe my pregnancy brain is making me miss something obvious, but I can't figure it out. I gave him a good look in case we used to know each other, but I did not recognize him at all. He did not have my credit card yet. I wasn't wearing a nametag or anything. What the hell happened?!

Matt has been doing neat stuff at work. He has been taking Spanish and cultural business classes this week and last becuase the company bought some companies in Mexico. His boss wanted him to go there for a few days, but right when the baby is due. Sometime soon he may go to there and also to Saskatchewan. This job takes him everywhere! It is hectic though and Matt is really looking forward to taking two weeks off to spend with us when the baby comes.

Angelina has been astounding us lately with the things she knows, remembers and says. She also likes to make pee-pee in the potty. Then she stands up, anounces "pee!" and sticks her finger in the pee to prove it. What a funny girl.

Ready to go!

Should I wear the headband or the hat?

It used to be hard to convince her to wear a hat. She fell in love with this one in the store and now she wears it even inside in a warm place.

Making a tower with Deigan

These things are wicked awesome!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

When we play with play dough, Angelina instructs me to make one baby out of each colour. Then she carries them around and kisses them and takes care of them.
What a sweetheart!
You're right Ang, my due date is still almost two weeks away. But the baby is completely made; the last 2-3 weeks are just to fatten up and the baby will be totally fine if born any time now.
The end of a pregnancy is torture! Not just becuase I'm severely handicapped now; it's mostly becuase we can't wait to meet our new little sweetheart.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Yay!!! Soon there will be a new little baby!!! I cant wait!! Keep us up to date... I hope you dont have it two weeks early though... that is right , right? So how is everything else going with you guys?? well keep in touch.... we should get together for a visit some time before the baby comes... we will come to Winfield if it is easier for you..... just let us know...558-0037

Baby Buddies

This one's old but I just zoomed it and saw how cute it was that Deigan is holding Angelina's hand
"Yeyo Duck!" We had lots of fun on Halloween. We played with other babies and parents at a big bonfire in the park beside our house. Then we sat on the patio and watched fireworks that were also at that park.
Kissy kissy with Tyler!
Everywhere we go, we see other babies and kids and they and Angelina hug and kiss each other. It's an age thing I guess, and very sweet. Angelina is also very affectionate and kissy with all her little friends, toys, and books! And even with mama... sometimes!
I knew that Angelina was still small for her age (in some brands she still wears 6-month pants), but I had no idea she was tall! At her doctor's appointment we learned that she is in one of the top height categories. I guess it's easy to see that other babies are rounder, but hard to compare heights since they never stand still together. Slim and tall, just like daddy!
I have two and a half weeks until my due date, but I may not have to wait that long. The baby has dropped, which happens late in second pregnancies, and there are other signs. I am too pregnant to sleep now, and for the last few nights I have been having contractions. But I am really not ready! I haven't even finished packing my hospital bag. I guess I am in denial; it just doesn't seem real that any time now I will have my baby.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Is it Wednesday already? Another week is just flying by. This is probably my last pregnancy and I am trying to savour it, but time just whips away. My due date is in less than five weeks now; I can't believe it. I will be a bit sad to not be pregnant anymore, but I also can't wait to hold my beautiful little baby in my arms and look at that sweet, pudgy little face.

Today is Halloween so we're going to a family fun event here in town. Then there will be fireworks at the beach beside our house, so we'll sit out on the patio and watch. Fun!

Showing me what a froggy does (sticks out his tongue)


This thing wants to get fresh with my husband

Friday, October 26, 2007

Our Visit to the Dinosaur Show

Stuck in the car again
Angelina wasn't sure what to think about Timbits. She took about a half hour to eat one. Kailea popped them into her mouth whole one after another. Looking at the Dinosaurs
Daddy, I don't really like this part! Crayons are more fun than dinosaurs.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Baby and the Belly

I ambushed the little one as she was waking up. Good morning sunshine!
Little Miss Muffin
Some people wanted to see a belly pic. Oops, not the best shot, but there's the belly.
Angelina loves the new baby already. She rubs and kisses my belly. What a wonderful sister she will be.
A picture of my two babes together. And Dabba too.