Friday, January 30, 2009

Vancouver & Calgary

Hello Everyone,

I will be in Calgary as well from Thursday, Feb 26th until Saturday, Feb 28th. I am involved in the SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) regional competition. We are staying at the or Westin which is downtown (320 4th Avenue SW · Calgary). My sister will be in Calgary that weekend visiting her friend Holly for her 30th birthday. We are meeting for Breakfast on Saturday morning. I don't have an itinerary yet, but I will forward on any free time I have in case the Garcia family has the same free time.

Before Calgary, I will be in Vancouver for the weekend of Friday, Feb 13th until Monday, Feb 16th. I would like to plan a pub night again to visit with friends (may a veronica samwiche...haha). I haven't thought about the details because I am competing with the weekend of LOVE.

FYI: I am not a fan of Valentines' Day and try not to celebrate the day. Valentines' Day to me is one big commercial occasion to raise the price of flowers, chocolates, jewelry cards, dinner, and probably fuel. Any who...

I have to get back to school work, so I'll keep everyone updated (blogger or facebook) on my trips.
I have to come in to Kelowna for the next two weekends, so maybe a brunch could be arranged. I'll call you, Keira.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pictures of Roman (with commentary of course)

Roman hates to be restrained; in the carseat, stroller, shopping cart or highchair. Since I started sitting him in a big person chair at the table, he is willing to sit for a whole meal. It's pretty funny-looking, a one-year-old at the table with no booster seat or anything.

Eating the bubbles out of his sister's bath

He's so proud of himself (see below)...

...for getting his own snacks out of the pantry. Those are raisins. And he does like to eat onions too!

He looks so fat and sweet when he's asleep.

Moving Day Part 1 is Approaching

On Wednesday, we're moving in with Matt's family for a month to avoid double mortgages. That's 3 days from now! I can't believe after this week we will never see this place again.

We'll be living out of our suitcases for a month. Unfortunately, they don't have a home phone there (everyone has their own cell phone) and I'm not sure what the internet situation is (everyone might have their own laptop). I'm going to find and activate my old cellphone that Matt got me for my 21st birthday. I'll email out the number when I have it.

It's so soon!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Ahh, puke in my face. I had forgotten that beautiful memory, so thank you, Sammi. Did you know Steph's younger sister Nichoel? She is married now and just had a baby. Say hi to Chris for us. Wow, you guys loooove to go to school!

The big move is getting close now, and we have dates for everything. We are staying with Matt's family in Kelowna starting on January 29th, and then flying away on February 27th to Calgary for 2 days, then on to Oshawa! That only leaves us a few weekends left to do brunch, or whatever!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy & Merry

Hello everyone,

I enjoyed the Garcia Happy New Year's picture card of the family; I treasure the 'family moment' theme of the card and how it doesn't seem staged with everyone in their places. Who took the picture?

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Dave, Cam, & I went to Tubetown (Silver Star) for New Year's Eve evening and came down the mountain around 9:30pm to play Guitar Hero - World Tour (which is very similar to Rockband) at Ang & Bryce's place before midnight. It was a fun night.

I am in the swing of school again, and I believe this will be another busy semester again. I am in Stats 124 with an old classmate of Matt & Keira...Chris Goodnough. My fondest memory of Chris was at Stephanie White's New Year's Eve many years ago. I remember talking to Kiera outside when Chris flew out of the door while puking, and Keira got some of the puke acid in her eye. This, of course, was after Ang had left because her beeper had indicated a so-called emergency somewhere (she was working that night but come on).

I caught him up on the Gracia wedding and the addition of two beautiful children. I also mentioned that the family is moving to Oshawa, Ont for Matt's new job in March. He says, "Hello to the Garcia Family and wishes you all the best with your big move." Chris told me that he resigned from the fire dept and is now with Search & Rescue.

I can't wait to see Gina and baby Roman again. We should try to do brunch sometime soon.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Baby of Christmas Present (and Past)

Angelina has always liked to pretend she was a present. Now she closes herself up in a box and jumps out.

Christmas '06

Christmas '08

Baby Loves Shoes

Thanks Lindsay!

Here you go, big sis, I'll put on your shoe

Hmm, could this shoe fit on my foot? (The answer is yes, they have the same size feet!)

Pause for a picture

Mmmmm, shoe

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Beautiful Picture

Hey Matt and Keira, thanks for the New Years Card, I love the family picture. Hope christmas was excellent, take care,

Thursday, January 01, 2009