Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Both Babies

Here are a few more pictures of my cutie-patooties, including Roman! That guy is so hard to get a picture of, becuase he won't sit still. Now that I say that I remember Angelina being the same way at his age; there's a period of time where all the pictures are of her little butt running away. I have taken so many pictures of the back of Roman's little bald head!

The weather here is so gorgeous. It's shorts weather most days, but there's a breeze that makes it so comfortable to be outside. It rains once or twice a week, but as a result there are no forest fires here and everything is so lush and green. As my Gina always says, the plants need the rain for their photosynthesis.

I figured out why my pictures were coming out so blurry, like those ballerina ones. There was a big fingerprint on my camera lens! So this should be the last of the blurries. Here we are doing fun summer stuff!

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