Monday, September 28, 2009

My Little Farmers

I still have so many pictures from BC! Here we are at my dad's farm. In the last one, Roman is grabbing onto Gina yelling "Horse! Horse!" Like "come on, sister, come see this thing!" Angelina loved being a "little farmer" and feeding the animals and picking vegetables for dinner.

Roman is still as obsessed with letters as ever; they're his reason for getting up in the morning. Seriously, he wakes up mumbling "lellas" and goes straight to his fridge magnet letters. I don't think I have mentioned this before, but he has a nemesis: the letter u. If he sees something that starts with the letter u, he points to it and hollers angrily, "u, uuuuuu!" and there is no consoling him. Luckily not many things start with u, although I believe fall is rainy here so we'll see more and more umbrellas, unfortunately.

Angelina is excited that gymnastics starts up again tomorrow. Her little friend Zachary goes too. We went to his birthday yesterday, and Angelina told me, as she kept me up all night chattering, that her favourite part was the cake, her second favourite part was the big "3" balloon, and her third favourite part was the icing on the cake.

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