Monday, May 09, 2005

Bridal Shower/after-party a success

Hello Everyone.....well we had quite the weekend........the bridal shower was a sucess and we suprised keira with a nice after-party full of fun! and recovering was done by me ALL day yesterday and today! lol

now with only 12 days left, keira and matt if u need anything JUST CALL! after this week i wont be working nights and i'll be sure to help u with anything...keira we will do a makeup trial this friday i hope, if nothing comes up work wise, we will do it then! shouldn't take long.......

n e ways keep everyone posted! talk to you all soon!

THANKS for everyone who came to the shower and after-party we couldn't have done it without you!

BRIDESMAIDS..........we rock!


Love Ya

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