Tuesday, January 24, 2006

So did the Concervatives win???

good gawd i'm sooo bad with all this voting stuff, it actually makes me feel bad that i know NOTH ING and i mean NOTHING about politics.......i dont even get time to watch the news anymore.....what a life i have!

n e ways thanks Sammi for the games that should be plenty and if u need me to grab any more prizes just let me know.....

Sam - its great to hear from you, cant wait to see ya, hopefully u'll get a chance to see our new place!!!

rob has been working all this past weekend and probably continuing all this week to help his boss get the darn house finished.....there are still some minor things to do, but they seem to be time consuming......they spent like 6 hours yesterday cutting window trim and placing it where it belongs...today they are working all day and probably night doing the rest of hte base boards and doors and closet doors which rob spent all weekend painting......then they need to get the handles put on all the drawers and cupboards, the closets need shelving and a closet rack thingy.....and the appliances have to be put in......oh and the sinks still have to go in....the toilet and shower got hooked up yesterday...so there is still a fair bit of work to be done in order for us to move in on sunday.....yikes..i'm soooo excited!!!

n e ways the shower invitations should be arriving SOON....Keira and Melissa i just sent u two one as well just so u could see what i did, by all means u girls only need to bring urselfs and ur belly's!!!! hahah not like u could leave those behind anyways....:-) but everyone else is taking care of the appy's and all that....oh Key...hope there is no hard feelings bout the whole shower thingy...c.ause i heard thru the grapevine that u and i were FIGHTING about it? well in my eyes it was just a little missunderstanding but we got it all sorted out....hope all is well......

LADIES.....WHERE ARE THE BABY BELLY PICTURES???? key u said u had some of u and melissa together....those would be great to have...and melissa send me some 8 month preggo ones cause i need those too!!!

ok i'm off to starbucks (addicted) and then to start my work week!!!

Chow for Now!


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