Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Hey guys. Things have been hectic and weird for me. My sister (who was only 31 weeks pregnant) had to give birth on the 20th. Has anyone ever heard of "HELLP syndrome"? Well anyway, it's really friggin scary. Wednesday around 2:00pm my sister was having pains at work and kinda got weird chills and cold sweats. Then Adryan came and picked her up and they went to her doctor's office. They took one blood test and rushed her to the ER in Vernon. It was friggin scary. They told her it could either be her gall bladder (in which case they were going to remove it that night) or this syndrome. This syndrome is REALLY rare, but REALLY serious and only occurs in pregnant people. It is very life-threatening, and the only treatment/cure for it is the delivery of the baby. So they did a lot of tests on her and found that it was this syndrome. So they rushed airlifted her to Vancouver and at 1:45 the next day, Hailey was born caesarian. This syndrome made her liver enflamed to a huge degree, made her blood platelet count down to 80 million per litre (supposed to be around 500) and she was bleeding internally. They wanted to wait 48 hours until they delivered the baby because they wanted to give her steriods to make her lungs more developed, but my sister would've died if they waited due to brain hemorraghing... so they delivered her less than 24 hours after my sister started feeling pain.
At first they were really worried about Susan's (my sister) prognosis and we were sorta mourning and praying for her. Then they made the decision to take out Hailey and when they did, they weighed her quickly, just focusing on keeping her alive, and she weighed in at 1 lb. So the doctor's told us her prognosis was pretty bad too. So we basically mourned again. It was really brutal. Then it turns out that they weighed her wrong, she actually weighed 2 lbs 6 oz which is still pretty small, but she is making excellent progress already. She even breathes by herself! She is going to be in an incubator probably for 2 months, and my sister is stuck in bed for like 6 more weeks in the Vancouver Women and Children's hospital.

So in the end it was pretty good, but it was a VERY emotional and brutal weekend. We are still praying and believing and thinking positive thoughts for Hailey and Susan, so please help, in whatever you believe in. Cause they are still not completely out of risk yet. I AM A NEW AUNT ALREADY!!!

I am staying at their house now because my sister and Adryan (her husband) will be in Vancouver for a long time. They have decided to both stay down there the whole time. My sister isn't well enough to make the trip back anyway, so the doctors won't let her. But I just want you guys to know, if you want to hang out, please phone me at 558-3826. That is where I'll be for the next long while. I miss you all!

So I really want to post some pictures of her, but have no idea how. So if someone could please help me, you could see her!

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