Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I've Had the Stomach Flu...

... so I'm behind on here but I'll catch up.

What a tiny, tiny little sweetheart Hailey is! Poor baby. Do you know how much she weighs now Robyn? I saw a teeny little bathing suit that might have fit her but I didn't buy it because she probably wouldn't have worn it. Gina goes to the lake and she doesn't wear one. Baby swimsuits are like baby shoes: really cute but useless. Dont' worry Rob, posting pictures gets really easy after a couple times.

Sam, are you still alive after the wild birthday bash that you probably had?

Here are some pictures of life up here at the Star:

Lately our back yard has been filled with cows. There have also been lots of coyotes howling at night.

Last week Melissa and the babies and I had our third encounter with a bear. I would have got a closer shot but he was on the move and I couldn't get my camera fast enough. He's that black blob in the exact centre of the picure.

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