Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Do the Pineapple

Things are getting pretty exciting and busy around here, with just one more weekend left before the move. It's amazing, Matt points out, how much of our lives we spend moving. It's been a number of times in the past two years, and every time it makes us busy for a few weeks. It will be nice to settle down in our own place and stay for a while.

Recently Matt came across a bum at his work, picking cigarette butts out of the ashtray outside. He started a conversation with Matt and told him that he used to be a middle-class man with a family. He got divorced and then became a bum voluntarily. He walks the same route every day collecting cans, and just from that he makes $80 a day! He owns a small barbeque and buys all his own food, and he smokes half-cigarettes out of ashtrays so he doesn't have to buy them. Matt said that the guy would be handsome if he cleaned up. The bum said he was happier now without responsibilities. Isn't that interesting?

I finally got around to taking the last pineapple picture that I've been meaning to do for a few months. Here is the growth of my little beauty as compared to a pineapple in about a year:

A few days old. What a tiny little beauty!

About six months

Look how grown up!

I used to be just this big?

A little dance called "the Pineapple"

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