Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter Feaster

What a great easter weekend we had. I hardly remember it now but it was a good one. Three days off is always exciting, and we had the Garcias over here for easter.

That was also when Roman really laughed for the first time! It's so priceless, he makes a huge fat smile and then starts making low noises and snorts. I finally found him that play saucer where he can walk along. He's too young to do the walking and turning but he loves it and especially loves that Gina plays with it too (he absolutely loves to watch her do anything).

Angelina can sing you are my sunshine and a sesame street song. She thinks it's hillarious to count to 20 or say the alphabet while running around and dancing.

Can you believe it was snowing here this week! I saw lots of snow in Vancouver on the news and Bill said Salmon arm still has snow on the ground. Weird!

What have you guys been up to? Did you have a good Easter? Sam, how was your awesome road trip?

Roman and his cousin Laynee at Easter. She is eight days older, but if she was born three hours ealier and he was born two hours later, she would be 10 days older.

My little comedian, pretending to be a baby.

Just chillin

Playing on that toy I mentioned

I just took this one now, they're still asleep.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Road Trip, Road Trip, Road Trip!!!

Hello Everyone - glad to see things are going alright for you all...

As you can tell by the title of this posting, I'm going on my road trip and am very excited about it! We leave tomorrow afternoon and are driving to our first stop, Golden, BC. However, depending on the weather we may stay in Revelstoke instead to avoid Rogers Pass at night.We've got a week full of sight seeing, driving and my favourite part time with my mom and step-dad. Yay!! What a great Easter weekend it will be.

Key - the documentary isn't neccessarily depressing....but it is a documentary....I really liked it. If you decide to watch it let me know what you thought of it.

Anyways happy belated St. Patty's Day & Happy Easter to All!! Take Care! xoxo

Spring is Sprung, the Grass is Riz

I am so happy about this nice weather. We've been going for walks in the afternoon and playing in the park! The other day though, it was so windy that Angelina's friend Tyler was almost blown over.

The kids got their shots last night, which was a nightmare, but at least I got to weigh them. Angelina is 27 lbs, Roman is 17 lbs! What a giant! He goes in the jolly jumper now and loves it! I need to get him one of those things that babies sit in and play with all the toys. I have a specific one in mind but I can't find it anywhere! It's one where the baby gets to walk along a track, and it's by Fisher Price, and I would pay any price for it. So if you come across it, let me know!

The nurse last night asked if Angelina can say 10 words yet. What?! Wow, she can say hundreds. The other day I was changing her diaper and she recited the entire song "You are my Sunshine". She also enjoys saying "mommy said..." and then repeating every word that I said, even multiple sentences. She also likes to read stories this way now: I read a sentence, she repeats it. I read the next sentence, she repeats it, and so on. It's so funny to see her concentrating on getting every little word. How studious.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Awh!! that sucks....

Come in on Friday!!!!

ya, we already have plans for other things on Sat... :( so I am affraid Fri still stands...
would have been nice to see you though!!

Keira?? you coming with a little singing princess...? leave the two boys at home to have a boys night.... that is if Matt is in town ???

Ang's house

I would love to come but I dont' get into town until Sat. If you guys can hold over until Sat evening then I can come and would love to do the sing-a-game. But now is boils down to Keira.
thanks for the invite!

I have an idea!!

Keira and Kristen should come over to Ang's on Friday evening. So far it's Ang, Lindsay, and myself making haystacks for dinner and then playing 'sing star' or watching a couple of movies. I'm sure Ang will agree the more the merrier. Ang's place is kid friendly too; well, except for a bunch of girls trying to sing their way to super stardom.
What do you think...huh, huh, huh?


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More More More

I had a wonderful birthday, with lots of unexpected phone calls and happy stuff. Pat came over and babysat while me and Matt went out for Indian food (my favourite!) Thank you guys for all your wishes, and thanks for the blogs! I love it when I'm not the only one writing on here! Keep it up, pleeease!

Matt has been corresponding with the company in Oshawa and is just waiting on their specific offer in terms of vacation, benefits, and salary. But he has already breifly talked this stuff over with them. I don't want to say it's for sure yet, but things would have to take a pretty bad unexpected turn to make us not go. Anyway we are just waiting for the last details and hopefully we'll get them this week. Matt told them he wouldn't take the job until next fall, but we still want to know right away!

It's true, Roman is really catching up fast to Angelina in size. He can sit up now if he's propped up with lots of pillows, and soon I'll try putting him in that bouncy doorway thing that Angelina used to love so much. Angelina is talking in complete sentences now even with all the little words like 'and', 'of' and 'the'. What a little grownup!

I'm excited that Kirsten is pregnant and think about it all the time. Maybe I'm annoying, but I feel like I have so much wisdom to pass along! I had two very different pregnancies, extremely different births and completely opposite babies, as well as some extra hospital experiences. Whenever I hear someone is pregnant I can't help but think about it all the time and wonder how they're doing, even if I don't know the person. I hope it happens to you all soon!

I have heard about that Born into Brothels movie more than once. Thanks for the recommendation, Sam. Is it sad and depressing? If not, i'll go rent it.

Can't wait to see your website, Ang! I'll add it, and Kirsten's blog, to my links.

Yay, call me as soon as you're here, Kirsten. I'll give you my pregnancy book if you don't already have it. How was your first ultrasound? I can't wait untill a couple months from now when you find out if you're having a boy or a girl!

Monday, March 10, 2008

i'm coming up

hey Key.
I"m coming up this weekend! I"ll be in the Okanangan until Wed. wanna hang out. I still haven't met little baby boy!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

He's Almost out growing her!!!

Ummm.... What happens when he is only a fraction of her age and is way bigger than her!!!??? :) WOW! He sure looks like MAtt!! I know, I've said that before...
So what is the news on moving Keira?? Did Matt take the job over east??
What have you been up to??

Congrats Kirsten!!! I am soo happy for you both! you will have to keep us updated.

What is everyone else up to?? Nothing new here.... just trying to get rid of this Bronchial pneumonia for the last 3 weeks... and well.. the usual... work work work! I cant wait to start playint Paintball in a couple of weeks though when the weather gets nice.... and get our in the sun and do some hiking and take some pictures.... I have lots of people wanting couples or family shots... still working on my web page though.... I have had it designed for weeks but have to wait for Bryce to get time to put it all together.

Well take care.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I'll write later... meanwhile here are some pictures!
Yay, matching jammies!
Bedtime snack
Goodnight kisses