Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring is Sprung, the Grass is Riz

I am so happy about this nice weather. We've been going for walks in the afternoon and playing in the park! The other day though, it was so windy that Angelina's friend Tyler was almost blown over.

The kids got their shots last night, which was a nightmare, but at least I got to weigh them. Angelina is 27 lbs, Roman is 17 lbs! What a giant! He goes in the jolly jumper now and loves it! I need to get him one of those things that babies sit in and play with all the toys. I have a specific one in mind but I can't find it anywhere! It's one where the baby gets to walk along a track, and it's by Fisher Price, and I would pay any price for it. So if you come across it, let me know!

The nurse last night asked if Angelina can say 10 words yet. What?! Wow, she can say hundreds. The other day I was changing her diaper and she recited the entire song "You are my Sunshine". She also enjoys saying "mommy said..." and then repeating every word that I said, even multiple sentences. She also likes to read stories this way now: I read a sentence, she repeats it. I read the next sentence, she repeats it, and so on. It's so funny to see her concentrating on getting every little word. How studious.

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