Monday, June 02, 2008

Wedding cont....

Goofing around by the campfire. Angelina had so much fun at the party. Drunk strangers kept coming up and grabbing her and dancing with her and taking her bear and stuff, but she just thought it was hillarious! She talked later about the "Two mommies dance and wear pink shoes". Two of my aunts were wearing pink Crocs and dancing the twist and the monkey with her.
There were lots of dogs there. Angelina said "the big dog is the mommy dog and the little dog is the baby dog". And then we saw this giant mofo, and she said, "Oh, it's a great big dog! He must be the daddy dog".
Taking a breather. Teddy bear is dancing on the log. Roman slept through the whole thing. Even though he's a poor sleeper, he always goes to sleep at the exact same time every night... blaring music or not!
The next morning, at breakfast. Roman slept way better on the camping trip than at home. Was it the fresh air and all the fun? Probably it was because I let him sleep in our bed... he's such a snuggler, he loves it! I'm such a light sleeper, I don't!
Angelina and Kaidyn playing with Angelina's new bubble machine. Remember that line from Knocked Up? "I wish I got as excited about anything, as kids get about bubbles" or something like that. Well, these two don't look that excited, but generally it's true!

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