Friday, January 30, 2009

Vancouver & Calgary

Hello Everyone,

I will be in Calgary as well from Thursday, Feb 26th until Saturday, Feb 28th. I am involved in the SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) regional competition. We are staying at the or Westin which is downtown (320 4th Avenue SW · Calgary). My sister will be in Calgary that weekend visiting her friend Holly for her 30th birthday. We are meeting for Breakfast on Saturday morning. I don't have an itinerary yet, but I will forward on any free time I have in case the Garcia family has the same free time.

Before Calgary, I will be in Vancouver for the weekend of Friday, Feb 13th until Monday, Feb 16th. I would like to plan a pub night again to visit with friends (may a veronica samwiche...haha). I haven't thought about the details because I am competing with the weekend of LOVE.

FYI: I am not a fan of Valentines' Day and try not to celebrate the day. Valentines' Day to me is one big commercial occasion to raise the price of flowers, chocolates, jewelry cards, dinner, and probably fuel. Any who...

I have to get back to school work, so I'll keep everyone updated (blogger or facebook) on my trips.
I have to come in to Kelowna for the next two weekends, so maybe a brunch could be arranged. I'll call you, Keira.


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