Saturday, December 04, 2010


I don't have a lot of time, so I'm just going to say that I love the pictures.


Sunday, November 07, 2010

Knox Pumpkin Farm

Wow, they're both looking!

I don't think this one will grow up to be a farmer

The corn maze. Roman brings that Magna-Doodle everywhere, so he can always write words.

Picking a pumkin


Saturday, October 16, 2010

What a Summer

It must be so nice to be done school Sammi! Or is it just daunting? If you’re looking at other provinces, don’t forget over here! Congratulations on the house Ang, the airport is a nice area.

As far as Angelina’s school, we’re doing that at home. We’re just going back over grade one stuff now and starting grade 2 after Christmas. Of course, we learn all kinds of stuff that I have no idea what grade it “belongs” to, like world geography. Come to think of it, I do not remember ever learning that in school, do you? Next year when Angelina is kindergarten age I will consider putting her in, but probably not. With her not in school we get to do all kinds of cool stuff during the day like playgroups and science center and stuff, so she gets “socialized” in a much better way (research backs me on that).

What’s more, Angelina has always had neurological issues including that she physically can’t tolerate a lot of noise and motion. In November we are seeing a neurologist. We’ve had the appointment since before the summer, there are just long waits. I’m not really sure what will happen there. But between the genius and the other stuff, she’s not really made for public school.

The kids always think this is funny, maybe because I do

At the beach with my little sandman

Roman's Y stick

This is in the nature trail behind our house

Hawaiian day at preschool in June

Monday, October 04, 2010

Hi Guys!

Wow... I cant believe how long it has been since I checked this!! :( The kids are all grown up!! I love seeing pictures of them and you two. How are things? Looks like you are really happy over there.

Bryce and I are good! We now have our own house in Kelowna, right by the airport. We love it! sooo much room! The house is completely finished and renovated inside and the yard is completely designed and planted....just need to weed! I know that it took this long for a reason, but I am so glad we finally were able to buy.

Bryce is working two jobs now, he just quit his original job in Kelowna and is now working with another company in the same building. Along side that, he is working on a start up company that he is part owner of. Very time consuming but I am sure that it will pay off in the near future. I have been off work since Feb with a torn rotator cuff injury, but that is nothing new :) Been so busy with photos though and moving that the time has just flown by. Hopefully our luck will strike and we will be able to start a family soon.

Well, hope all is well and would love to hear from you guys!!!
take care,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Long time no hear from Sammi...Sorry.

Hello Garcias,

I am finished school and looking for a job. I took a quick part-time job in retail to make money, but I quit today because I didn't want to get comfortable there. I could just picture myself, five years down the road, with the same part-time job wondering, 'why I haven't used my degree yet?'. I'm going to head to Vancouver to see if I can find a HR position there. If I'm not able to find a job in Human Resources Management, I will start looking in other provinces.

I love the pictures of the family. The one thing I notice when looking at the pictures is how happy everyone is. I'm so happy for you.

How is Matt's job going?

Has the family decided on what avenue of schooling your very smart children will take? In one sense, you want Angelina and Roman to experience school because of the friendships and social lessons learnt. The other thing is Angelina and Roman will get bored with the pace of regular school. It's an exciting time for Angelina. I look forward to seeing more pictures.

I have attached a couple of grad photos.


Monday, July 26, 2010

How My Son Eats Watermelon

At least he sat at the table long enough for me to take three pictures!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


I don't know if I've mentioned that Roman can read now. Words, and if he's in an obliging mood, sentences, but letters are still his true love. He makes letters out of all his toys and food, talks about letters all day long, and even wakes in the night asking for letters. Matt pointed out that he's like the guy from DaVinci's code. That guy certainly had an exciting life revolving around letters.

What I didn't know is that Roman can write. He always colours with crayons and brings me these colourful scribbly papers. This morning Angelina pointed out to me that he wrote a word, and I snatched the paper away before he could scribble over it. I think he may have been doing that for some time; writing letters and words, scribbling over them, and then handing the paper to me.

Here are a couple of his creations this morning: he wrote the word "cow" with crayons and "no" with Tinker Toys.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I now have a four year old and a two year old. When did I become a grownup? I have to shop in the big kid department now, for both of them, which almost makes me tear up every time I'm clothes shopping.

But enough about me. Angelina has all kinds of stuff going on. She's still learning things all the time, like now she can do single-digit addition in her head. Like you can say "what's 7 plus 4?" and she doesn't even have to think about it. She has also become extremely friendly and will happily approach anyone we come across and chat thier ear off. Here's my beautiful, special little princess enjoying her birthday week.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Did you ever see two fake-er smiles?

A Conversation Between me and Angelina

Lala: Mommy, I want to talk to you about the pwake.
Me: The what?
Lala: The pwake. That was when everyone got really sick and they died even.
Me: Oh, the plague! I see daddy has been reading your history book with you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Funny Roman Pictures

This is really, really late, but happy Easter everyone!

This is what happens when I leave my son alone for one second!

Picking up Chicks

Plus riding their new trike

Sunday, March 07, 2010

What We've Been Up To

This one cracks me up! What a goof. This is the map in Angelina's room, and she knows all the countries
Valentine's day


This was just last week, but the snow is all gone now!

My birthday dinner at Mr Greek.