Saturday, October 16, 2010

What a Summer

It must be so nice to be done school Sammi! Or is it just daunting? If you’re looking at other provinces, don’t forget over here! Congratulations on the house Ang, the airport is a nice area.

As far as Angelina’s school, we’re doing that at home. We’re just going back over grade one stuff now and starting grade 2 after Christmas. Of course, we learn all kinds of stuff that I have no idea what grade it “belongs” to, like world geography. Come to think of it, I do not remember ever learning that in school, do you? Next year when Angelina is kindergarten age I will consider putting her in, but probably not. With her not in school we get to do all kinds of cool stuff during the day like playgroups and science center and stuff, so she gets “socialized” in a much better way (research backs me on that).

What’s more, Angelina has always had neurological issues including that she physically can’t tolerate a lot of noise and motion. In November we are seeing a neurologist. We’ve had the appointment since before the summer, there are just long waits. I’m not really sure what will happen there. But between the genius and the other stuff, she’s not really made for public school.

The kids always think this is funny, maybe because I do

At the beach with my little sandman

Roman's Y stick

This is in the nature trail behind our house

Hawaiian day at preschool in June

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