Friday, May 26, 2006

3 Weeks

Wow, time flies! Tomorrow Angelina will be 3 weeks old.

The first week was rough, I was in the emergency room with I guess what you would call hemorraging, on the same day that that ER made the national news for being such an atrocity. Between my condition and Angelina's shrinkage (she lost a pound in the first few days) we were at the hospital, doctor, or being visited by nurses every day.

This week Matt went back to work and me and Angelina have been on our own at night and during the day. Matt wishes he were home with us and we do too. He is an amazing daddy!

Angelina is getting big now: 8lbs 5oz. The doctor said her hip is still a little funny but nothing to panic about. She also said that I'm still in rough shape and need to rest and stop doing so much. Most of my un-rest has come from having so many doctor/nurses appointments. That and getting only a few scattered hours of sleep at night!

It's crazy work having a newborn but it is so awesome! Every day we look at her sweet little face and feel so blessed.

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