Thursday, August 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Sam

Hope you have a great 25th birthday! PS pretend I said all this last weekend when it was your actual birthday... sorry.

I've been crazy busy all week with this move and haven't made it onto the computer to check the email or anything, so if anybody's waiting on a response from me I appologize.

Tomorrow is the big day, wish us luck with the movers and lawyers and stuff. We have already had good luck with the investment; I talked to the realtor this morning and she said that a tiny unit with a really bad view is selling now for almost as much as we paid for ours. So in just over a month our property value has already gone up. Wohoo!

I will tell one funny pregnancy story before I get back to packing: this morning I smelled a really foul stench. I said to Matt "That was the grossest fart ever! It smells like you farted last week and bottled it up to let it rot for awhile and just released it now!" Turns out I was not smelling a fart at all, but some freshly poured Cheerios, not rotten in the least. Pregnancy is so funny.

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