Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Poor Baby

Roman has to get surgery. I can't believe it; hasn't my poor baby been through enough? I have to meet with a surgeon soon and then he will have hernia surgery. My poor baby.

Yawning with my cousin Krista
This is what Roman looks like next to other babies his age. Way bigger but way thinner. Other mamas are amazed by his giant hands too.
I love that squishy little baby face.
A family gathering a few weeks ago
This is the beach right next door. I'm going to miss this place. I haven't told you about Matt's new job yet becuase it's only like 95% for sure and I don't want to look like an a-hole by saying "we're moving, we're moving" and then we don't. It's taken a rediculously long time, but it will be finalized for sure next Thursday.

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