Monday, September 08, 2008

Another Hospital Visit...

...that place is getting to be like a second home. We took Roman into the ER yesterday for emergency surgery.

Poor Roman has had a hernia for so long now and has been having more and more frequent episodes of crying, vomiting and refusing to eat. Yesterday it was finally bad enough to do the emergency surgery, thank God! Who knows how much longer we would have had to wait for a surgery date.

There were complications becuase his little guts were all twisted and the surgery took awhile. The surgeon also had to remove his appendix just to make room. Then we had to stay overnight and Roman had an IV until he pulled it out (Good job, baby!)

My little guy is remarkably resilient and mostly back to normal. Once he is healed, he will have no more pain! I am so happy this is over. It may happen again on the other side, but it could take years and maybe not at all.

Angelina was a little angel through the whole thing. From impressing the nurses in the ER to playing in the children's ward, she thought the hospital was great!

What wonderful kids I have.

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