Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hello from Vancouver

Hello everyone hope things are going well!!

Key - Omigosh, I hope Roman is doing alright since his emergency surgery. Has he improved at all since? More happy, hungry etc? I sure hope so....Lee and I send him hugs and kisses.

I'm doing well, my project I'm on right now for work (the Casino in Burnaby) is 6 weeks until the Opening date to the general public so I'm super busy right now to say the least. Other than that Lee and I set our moving date again and this one is set in stone. We'll be officially moving in together on November 1st. SO EXCITED!!! Then even more exciting news....we're going to get a puppy the weekend after....a daschund. I've got the names picked out already....if it's a boy doggy we're naming him Jalepeno Fromage and if it's a girl doggy the name will be Martini Bizzle. Such a dork, I know!! LOL

Other updates...Lee and I went to Mexico at the end of August and had a great time, I posted a ton of pictures on facebook if anyone wants to see. We have also become God-parents to my friends son, Joshua, the ceremony was on September 7th and it was a great day and honour. That's about it for now.

Hope you all had a great summer, and are ready for the Fall weather and festivities (any one who has kids do you know what they are going to be for Halloween yet??)

Cheers!! xoxox

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