Saturday, December 19, 2009

Done for this semester

Thank you Keira for the updates and all the pictures.

I love the Roman pictures where he is hamming it up; I can't believe he is two years old already. Before I know it, you will be posting first day of school pictures on the blog, and I will be hitting my head against the wall wondering where the time has gone.

I loved Angelina in her princess costume; she is a very beautiful young lady. You and Matt looked great in your costumes as well. It looks like there is so much more to do with the family in Oshawa which is great since Angelina and Roman are information sponges. The Viking group was very cool for the kids to see and ask questions...something different.

Do you have the house decorated for Christmas? What are your plans for the holidays? How is the winter weather so far?

Enjoy your holidays! I love looking at the pictures of the family.


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