Sunday, June 19, 2005

pictures...and update on my mom

hey keira....any way u can burn me a copy of ur cd from the photographer? or even just send me the pics...probs easier to burn the cd then i'll just print off the ones that i want.....well let me to you soon! Oh....update on my mom....she is in the salmon arm hospital had a minor surgury done on saturday......couldn't do the whole thing cause she has barium stuck inside her and they need that to come they are waitin....she is in a LOT of pain, so they are keepign her there.....and once the barium comes out she can continue with the colonoscopy part probably next week sometime and she'll bein there for another 6-10 days.....:-( so we just hope for the best...the doc said he DOESN"T think that anything is cancerous but they still have to determine things for i'll keep u updated.......
Love Ya

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