Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Hey Keira & Matt....

Hey kids...just seeing how you are....havn't heard from you in awhile......still no real update on my mom.....she is still in the hospital, they are hoping that the barium is flushed thru her system by the end of this week and then she will be sent to vernon for a catscan, and back to salmon arm for an operation where they will remove 6 inches of her colon and fuse the two sides then she'll still be in the hospital for 6-10 more days after dad said thta they got her biopsy results back but couldn't determine anything cause of the barium covering it or ya....thats bout all i know...still waiting...urrrggg....i hate waiting.......other than that, i was sick all weekend stomache was ur quick trip to van? rob's Great Grandma passed away this past weekend so he is off to Abbottsford today for a quick trip....he'll be back tomorrow nightish...aww....poor guy.......WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING FOR CANADA DAY???

well get back to me, and i'll chat with you soon.....did u figure out how to copy those cd's??? if not let me know and i'll show ya! cant wait to see the pics......i should come visit sometime soon...let me know when ur free.,...ttyl

Love Ya

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