Monday, June 06, 2005

We're Back

We're back and it was a fabulous honeymoon. We ate fantastic food, experienced a much richer culture, and explored entire cities made up of 400 year-old buildings. I learned more history on that trip than in the rest of my life put together. History is spectacularly interesting when you're actually standing in the battlefield, castle or even city where it took place. We also saw some of the most beatutiful Basillicas in the world, ancient relics, and famous art.

I don't know if anyone will still read this blog but I intend to keep using it. I have alot to say now that my entire existence doesn't revolve around the wedding. Hence the new background. I'll beef this sucker up later.

Matt and I are backlogged with the last 3 weeks' worth of work, but we are really looking forward to seeing everyone again, so call us and let's make a date.

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