Wednesday, June 28, 2006

hello all

Well I thought maybe I would enlighten you with my life here at the coast.
A few weeks ago Drew and I went camping at the Sunshine Coast and stayed in Gibsons. It was absilutely beautiful. Drew and I have been hard at work. I am loving my nursing job and have decided to take on more hours with a private company too. I"ll be working one 24 hour shift from Sunday night to monday night. I"ll be making a lot of money with that job.. almost 5 dollars more an hour then what I make with CLS.
Drew has been liking his job with Starbucks. he's moving up the chain pretty quickly.. and may have a different position at a new starbucks coming close to our home.
We are adopting 2 bearded dragons from a nurse that I work with that has signed a contract to work in Bermuda for the next 3 years. She will be leaving at the end of July.
We have been grooving around the city to free jazz festival shows. its been a lot of fun. I can't wait for this weekend there will be free concerts at Granville island the whole weekend.
OUr landlord has asked us if we wanted to buy the condo that we live in for cheap and we are thinking about it. She is asking for 150ish K and the other condos in this place are selling for about 300K... but also those condos are fixed up and very nice. MIne isn't so nice nore fixed up. So yeah we would have to fix it up and then do a property flip.. we want to move to a 2 bedroom where we can have a dog.
but yes thats all the news about us.
um... someone eles post.

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