Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Hey there...just a little catch up, maybe it'll get people posting!!!

Not too much new here....just been SUPER DUPER busy at busy i have no time for anything...i'm such a nice person i keep squeezing clients in there by coming in earlier or staying later....gawd i must LOVE my job! hahaha....n e ways havn't heard from most of you in awhile...not sure if keira and matt have the internet up and runnign up there if sooo i imagine they are super duper busy as well.....but drop us a line key and let us know how things are going......hows the baby............all that jazz.........samantha i keep msn'ing you and ur never there.....hows life? excited about Vegas? i wish i woulda known that ANYONE could have gone cause i totally would have....but tis too late time! ur gonna have a blast im jelouse! hows the Man situation sam? well to everyone else keep in touch.....i'm waiting for some pics from this past weekend from melissa while we were out at the cabin so once i get them, i'll post'm....

Take Care!


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