Monday, March 19, 2007

Princess Ponytails

Oh man, I am sooooo excited that Angelina can have little pigtails now. She is so fricking cute!
My little munchkin, munching away, no idea how adorable she is.
She still uses a newborn-size bottle with a newborn nipple. We keep trying to upsize, but she won't have it. This bottle is half a cup.
Gotta love those stubby little baby arms!
Angelina can stand on her own briefly now and walk with help. She also points to things and tells us about them in baby-language. Also I ask, "where's mama's nose?" and she touches it, and I ask "where are mama's buttons?" and she lifts my shirt and finds my belly button ring! Nothing compares to having a baby. She is so wonderful! Me and Matt are completely nuts about her!
This coming weekend is going to be busy and fun again. My aunt is visiting from Calgary, and Lisa and her new bf are staying at our house for the weekend.

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