Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Arty, not Wal-Marty

We had a professional photographer take Angelina's picture in the park on the weekend, and yesterday we saw the proofs and ordered the pictures. It's so exciting! The pictures are very cool and uniquely Angelina, not like you get at Wal-mart. No offense to anyone who gets their pictures done there, 'cause those can be really cute too.

The photog brought her 4-month old over yesterday and he weighs more than Angelina (that's not unusual)! Some of the pictures are of Angelina sitting in a patch of tulips and you can really see how small she is compared to them. So adorable! We will get the pictures this week and I'll post some. The photog loved Angelina and will be putting her picture on her own website as well.

Meanwhile, here are some pictures taken by little old me.

What a doll...

...and look how smart!

" We're ready to go out now!"

Angelina Ballerina

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