Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Smart as a Whip, Cute as a Button

My babygirl is sooo clever...
...she figured out how to change the song. Also, the other day she came over and gave me a big kiss for seemingly no reason... then I realized that the song we were listening to said the word kiss! It wasn't even a song about kissing, it just said "kiss" once. Wow.
This one blows me away. she wanted to play with the buttons on the TV but she couldn't reach, so she brought this pillow over to climb on. That's amazing!
Whatever she's not supposed to play with (like the remote), that's what she wants. Today she got hold of my Freakonomics book. She didn't rip or chew it, she actually turned the pages.
So that's today's rant on how smart my little girl is. Also she is stunningly beautiful and unbearably sweet.

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