Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Catch Up

Happy Birthday today to Nicole and Erin! And recently it was Leia's and Kailea's and soon it will be Robyn's. Wow, so many birthdays are in August and September!

We have been in the new place for over two weeks now, and it has been so nice. Moving in was one pleasant surprise after another. We had forgotten how big this place is, and that the non-carpet floors were tile. Also the last time we had seen the place the appliances were not here, and the hallways, lobbies, green spaces and common rooms had not been finished.

Angelina was kind enough to let me write this while she was awake, since she decided not to have a nap today. But now she is saying, "Out! Out!" So off we go to play outside!

Helping daddy
Bananas taste better here
How lucky am I to look at this gorgeous face all day?
Part of the park beside our house. There's lots of room to run around!
You are my sunshine!

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