Friday, September 28, 2007


I almost wish I could freeze time. My new baby is all big and snuggly in my tummy, and Angelina is sweeter and funner than ever. Now she is saying little sentences, like "bump daddy, bump" (when they were playing a headbutting game) or "up, mama" or the like. She's picking up new words all on her own and more than once a day she will surprise me with them. Of course I wouldn't really freeze time, since my babies will keep doing more and more fun stuff and being a part of it is amazing beyond description.

This week we went to Lindsay's party in Kelowna, had a visit and dinner with Sammi and Ang, and went to our first strata meeting. Matt is the treasurer of the building now. This weekend will be the ususal and then we have three Thanksgivings, two of them here. Oh well, three turkey dinners isn't so bad. What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?

Three new pairs of shoes, fun!
A pretty neclace to go with the shoes
Gotta run!
Pulling around her new wagon

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