Sunday, March 09, 2008

He's Almost out growing her!!!

Ummm.... What happens when he is only a fraction of her age and is way bigger than her!!!??? :) WOW! He sure looks like MAtt!! I know, I've said that before...
So what is the news on moving Keira?? Did Matt take the job over east??
What have you been up to??

Congrats Kirsten!!! I am soo happy for you both! you will have to keep us updated.

What is everyone else up to?? Nothing new here.... just trying to get rid of this Bronchial pneumonia for the last 3 weeks... and well.. the usual... work work work! I cant wait to start playint Paintball in a couple of weeks though when the weather gets nice.... and get our in the sun and do some hiking and take some pictures.... I have lots of people wanting couples or family shots... still working on my web page though.... I have had it designed for weeks but have to wait for Bryce to get time to put it all together.

Well take care.

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