Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Road Trip, Road Trip, Road Trip!!!

Hello Everyone - glad to see things are going alright for you all...

As you can tell by the title of this posting, I'm going on my road trip and am very excited about it! We leave tomorrow afternoon and are driving to our first stop, Golden, BC. However, depending on the weather we may stay in Revelstoke instead to avoid Rogers Pass at night.We've got a week full of sight seeing, driving and my favourite part time with my mom and step-dad. Yay!! What a great Easter weekend it will be.

Key - the documentary isn't neccessarily depressing....but it is a documentary....I really liked it. If you decide to watch it let me know what you thought of it.

Anyways happy belated St. Patty's Day & Happy Easter to All!! Take Care! xoxo

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