Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Angelina Rose is TWO!!!!

Wow, can't believe Angelina turned 2 yesterday!! Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Key are you having a birthday party for her this weekend?? Is there a theme?? Send my love to Gina and give her a big belated birthday hug and kiss for me. How's the family doing? By the recent posted pictures I'd say the kids are growing like weeds and are happy/doing very well. Lee and I will be up that way July 25 - Aug 4 hopefully in that time I can meet Roman and we can get a visit in with you four.

I have quite a lot to report but not a lot of time right now as I am at's 8:30 and I've been here for an hour already, I wish I was still in bed. I'll write back in a few days, hope everyone is doing well.

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