Thursday, July 17, 2008

Baby Stuff

Roman started crawling on the weekend. Now he travels all around, climbing up on stuff and finding all kinds of shit to put in his mouth... he's such a boy!
He is very perceptive. He likes to feel everything and see everything. I have to take him into a quiet dark room to feed him because otherwise he is too distracted to eat!

Angelina is reading actual books now, so I took her to the library and got her a stack of those grade one readers. Stuff like, "Dad says it is bedtime. Goodnight little cow, it's time to sleep." She motors through those things all on her own. At first it was so weird, but now I'm pretty used to it.

She has started acting more like me and even saying the same phrases. One thing she says all the time is 'oh my goodness', only what she really says is "oh my gooeys!"

Oh my gooeys, all of these pictures are from back in June.

Yay, braids!

Roman found a blue marker on the ground

Ready for the pool

My little summer beauty

Outside with their friend Issac

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