Thursday, July 10, 2008


Thanks Dave. What a great picture of you and Jeffrey! My legs are always covered in bruises from wrestling around with the babies anyway, so a few scratches fit right in. Hey, did we leave Mr Shark at your house?

Angelina is naming all of her dolls and toys now. Some of them are pretty funny, like Perpetua and Mr. Tickles. She also pretends she is different animals. Also she is so funny! She likes to walk all funny and say, "are you walking funny?" It's funnier than it sounds, I think.

Roman with Bill and her boyfriend Joe.

I was trying to get them to practice sitting together so I can go and get their picture taken.

I love this one!

This was in her prize bag at Kal Tire Family Day at Predator Ridge. We had lots of fun there. Angelina even fed the goats all on her own. One bit her and she didn't get upset; she just said, "why?"

Angelina can do a whole puzzle. When she got this one for her birthday, I said, "look, Angelina, it's a puzzle with a little girl on it", and Angelina said "Mommy, she's called Dora!" She has never seen the show, but we see Dora stuff all the time.

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