Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Back in the Game Again!!!

So i havn't check the blog in a while, it is good to see almost everyone is game in the deal. i'm excited about flower shopping on Friday with Keira, i hope all goes smoothly; i think tulips would be nice and affordable and in season. About the money in a jar, good idea, but not as effective so a small wedding. I like the bubbles or the singing idea, not quite sure. Bill, Erin, and Sam, i'm Game for shopping for dresses on Easter, i'll try to work something out for the Friday (My weekends are hard to miss but if it is necessary to make it for then i will do my best, with enough breathing room). Keira about the cake and decorations, maybe we can get a start on that Friday, look for a place or two, or ask the flourist, they may have a suggestion. Oh and happy Belated B-Day to Keira, yeahhhhhh.

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