Friday, July 01, 2005


Ahh, finally a solution to the picture problem. You see, there were so many photo cds (3 from the photographer plus one each from Erin, dad, A&B, K&D) that I didn't know how to distribute them.

Then I found the Walmart site and now 384 of the pictures (about half) are on it. emailed everybody a link but there is also one on this page now. Anyway, you can go to it, click on the pictures you want to print, and choose which walmart you want to pick them up from. I tried it myself and it was extremely easy and convenient. You can edit the photos and get all different sizes too. And it's really cheap.

Promoting Walmart... am I a terrible person? This photo thing has just made my life so much easier.

The event planning business is for an entrepreneurship class I'm taking. I have to write up proposals and business plans for a business that I may or may not actually do. Okanagan Occasions was a good name, but I had already sent in my propsal. I called it the Social Butterfly.

Speaking of which, I'd better get back to homework, the scourge of my current life.

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