Thursday, July 21, 2005

Busy Busy

Okay, if anyone here is interested, now the poker night is mentioned on Ang's blog.

We went camping at this really great place 10 minutes past the cabin, both for the group camping trip and then again for the bachelor/bachelorette party. I don't remember the name of the place but it is apparently just before Fintry Forestry site (or something). I finally got to see the infamous chinese restaurant.

I'm confused Sam... you're coming on the Friday now? Anyway you and your friend are more than welcome to stay here whichever nights that weekend. The following weekend we have exams to prepare for so visits will be scarce. But, then you'll be back in August for Operation Jack Attack. Anyway let me know what you're doing. And Erin let me know too; we should all get together.

Holy fucking crap I just realized how soon that is.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm Baaack!

Hey everyone!

Wow, it's been forever since I've blogged - Sorry! I read thru some of the recent blogs looks like you all are having a wonderful summer so far....Key or Ang where did you guys go camping??

Anyways just wanted to let everyone know that I will be up in Vernon soon - I am staying in Vernon at my Aunts on July 29th, then either at the family cabin or Key & Matt's on the 30th (Key- I'll e-mail you about this), On Sunday July 31st Key, Matt, my friend Veronika and myself are going on an awesome winery tour in Kelowna/Westbank (4 hours long woohoo!) and finally I will be staying at the family cabin on Okanagan Lake from Sun July 31st - Tuesday August 9th. I hope I can see the people the are related to me (and also anyone else if they want) during the time that I am there.

Keep on living life on the edge of your seat!


I think Matt has been cleaning up my computer... my bloggerbot program is gone. I'll reload it and post later.

Long Time No Blog

Wow, it's been a long time since I blogged. It's been a crazy couple of weeks.

The last week has been really great. Thursday I did Kirsten's bridal shower and Kirsten and Drew's bachelor party. They were 80s theme and me, Kirsten and Amy got all decked out. Then Saturday was the wedding. It poured all morning but the wedding weather was fabulous. Everyone got along and mingled. We played the same icebreaker games as our wedding. We stayed at the motel in Armstrong and it was the most comfortable hotel bed I have ever slept in.

Robyn, I don't know all your friends, but I'm not surprised that you can't get a committment out of them this early. I don't know what to do but keep nagging.

This Saturday we still want to have poker night. More about that on the Friendship Orb Blog.

Aunty Laura, Erin's mom, has cancer and will begin staying in the Cancer Centre in Kelowna starting next week. We get regular updates from Erin and Uncle Mike. Everyone sends their best thoughts and prayers to Aunty Laura and the family.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Here are some camping pictures for you.... there are also some more on our site.... :)

When you go into type a new post... there is a little picture adding tool on the far right of the tool bar....(same tool bar that has where you change the fonts and colors and all.)

Friday, July 08, 2005


August 30 is a Tuesday; do you mean September 30?

Monday, July 04, 2005


Cool, How did you do that? I've only been able to post pictures on my own blog!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Wedding pics


Sorry, they did start off in order.....


Ahh, finally a solution to the picture problem. You see, there were so many photo cds (3 from the photographer plus one each from Erin, dad, A&B, K&D) that I didn't know how to distribute them.

Then I found the Walmart site and now 384 of the pictures (about half) are on it. emailed everybody a link but there is also one on this page now. Anyway, you can go to it, click on the pictures you want to print, and choose which walmart you want to pick them up from. I tried it myself and it was extremely easy and convenient. You can edit the photos and get all different sizes too. And it's really cheap.

Promoting Walmart... am I a terrible person? This photo thing has just made my life so much easier.

The event planning business is for an entrepreneurship class I'm taking. I have to write up proposals and business plans for a business that I may or may not actually do. Okanagan Occasions was a good name, but I had already sent in my propsal. I called it the Social Butterfly.

Speaking of which, I'd better get back to homework, the scourge of my current life.