Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Long Time No Blog

Wow, it's been a long time since I blogged. It's been a crazy couple of weeks.

The last week has been really great. Thursday I did Kirsten's bridal shower and Kirsten and Drew's bachelor party. They were 80s theme and me, Kirsten and Amy got all decked out. Then Saturday was the wedding. It poured all morning but the wedding weather was fabulous. Everyone got along and mingled. We played the same icebreaker games as our wedding. We stayed at the motel in Armstrong and it was the most comfortable hotel bed I have ever slept in.

Robyn, I don't know all your friends, but I'm not surprised that you can't get a committment out of them this early. I don't know what to do but keep nagging.

This Saturday we still want to have poker night. More about that on the Friendship Orb Blog.

Aunty Laura, Erin's mom, has cancer and will begin staying in the Cancer Centre in Kelowna starting next week. We get regular updates from Erin and Uncle Mike. Everyone sends their best thoughts and prayers to Aunty Laura and the family.

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