Thursday, July 21, 2005

Busy Busy

Okay, if anyone here is interested, now the poker night is mentioned on Ang's blog.

We went camping at this really great place 10 minutes past the cabin, both for the group camping trip and then again for the bachelor/bachelorette party. I don't remember the name of the place but it is apparently just before Fintry Forestry site (or something). I finally got to see the infamous chinese restaurant.

I'm confused Sam... you're coming on the Friday now? Anyway you and your friend are more than welcome to stay here whichever nights that weekend. The following weekend we have exams to prepare for so visits will be scarce. But, then you'll be back in August for Operation Jack Attack. Anyway let me know what you're doing. And Erin let me know too; we should all get together.

Holy fucking crap I just realized how soon that is.

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