Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's Contagious I swear.....

Well congrats to Matt & Melissa! Melissa you are soo tiny!!

Key - where's your preggo belly picture? (Congrats again!)

Robyn - Mexican baby - very different.....never thought of going on vacation as a time to hook up and get fertilized! HA HA!

Yay! Matt & Keira are staying in the Okanagan!! This excites me!

To everyone - Glad to hear people are doing alright. I'm doing fine been sick over the last month or so but things other than that are good. Work is super busy and school is driving me insane (I am thinking of taking a year off)

Key & Matt - How is Leia's new one?? How's Deigan doing??


Anonymous said...

Hey it is nicole...the babys here are doing good....deigan is just loving daycare and learning new words dayly and Kailea just started smiling and kicking...Leia is doing good and me iam doing well in school and mhmmm thats about all thats new here.....ttyl

Sam said...

Glad to hear that you and Diegan are doing well Nicole.

Good to hear about Leia and Kailea too!