Saturday, February 18, 2006


Hey Keira I'm wondering if you are getting weird cravings? if you are what is the weirdest? I"m going down to chilliwack next sunday to pick up a couple of birds that I"m adopting. I'm looking at Josie and Pepper (cockatiels). Drew and I are excited.
Any thing new with anyone out there?
Mmmm I just made a really nice looking lemon Meringue pie.. my parents are coming down for the first time together. getting a little nervious though they are both laid back people. not sure how they will like all the animals running about. (bunny, dog, rabbit and bird) maybe we will put the bird back in her cage.
We'll be babysitting Drews parents place for 2 weeks so I"ll be living there! I can't wait to use there BBQ.
thats about it!

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